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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wrap it up! Sustainably, of course.

Ah, the holiday season is upon us, filled with final exams, strong eggnog and Christmas cheer. And if you're like me, the gift shopping isn't finished but there is still plenty of time. Right?! But I was able to pick up a couple of small items for dear friends. But how should I wrap the presents, making sure to keep sustainability and prettiness in mind?

Newspaper! Newspaper was my first thought and I quickly charged ahead, wrapping the gifts in a Willamette Week paper that was lying around. To try to resemble more a present, I picked up a couple of white cards, green yarn and crayons from SCRAP to decorate. Tapping into my younger self, I colored (more like scribbled) a pine tree and a snowman - voila! Christmas cards are done. A little yarn tied around the package and I'm good to go!

And you can be oh so much more creative than I! Try using a colored or pictured part of a newspaper - I know some of them have holiday sections that could work great. Or any other paper material you have lying around the house. Maybe an old, discarded map or a piece of cloth that you won't use anymore. I found a couple sources for more ideas - check them out!

Sustainable Ways to Gift Wrap - a blog describing just that - and they have way more creative ideas!

Unpredictable Food Gifts - still looking for gifts? Here's an article for five more ideas of food gifts that you can create and assemble yourself - instructions included.

We'll be back soon, but in case I don't see you for awhile, the Trash for Peace team would like to wish you a wonderful holiday season! :)

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